40 Noel 40

Siempre existe la pregunta: Si pudieras tomarte una cerveza con cualquier personaje, con quién irías?.
Mi respuesta ha sido, si es ir a tomar cerveza, iría con Noel Gallagher y podría dar miles de razones.
Hoy Noel cumple 40 años. Parece entrar en la etapa en la que dejará de ser un rockero sumergido en los excesos y empezará a convertirse en un excelente músico (no que al día de hoy no lo sea), pero por algo dicen que la vida empieza a los 40.
A manera de recordar al cerebro detrás de la magnificencia de Oasis, recuerdo alguna de sus más famosas frases que lo han hecho el estupendo personaje que hoy es.
Por cierto Noel: You´re de genuine geezer...Cheers mate.
His ****ing great words of wisdom
ON LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS: “If I saw an alien, I’d tell it to **** right off because whatever planet he came from they wouldn’t have The Beatles or any decent ****ing music . . . I ain’t going nowhere with them.”
ON PETE DOHERTY: “Pete’s always been an absolute gentleman to me and my missus. He’s incredibly well-read and he’s got a good soul. I tell you what, he needs to wash his hands more, but that’s about it.”
ON FAME: “When we started off, we wanted the girls, the cocaine, the fur coats. It was almost like working-class people winning the pools. We went bananas.”
“Next year I hope to get a stalker or two because I don’t believe you’ve arrived until you get a stalker.”
ON 1993-1998: “I can hardly remember a thing.”
ON PLAYING THE GUITAR: “I’ve never considered myself a very good guitarist. I always end up playing the same guitar solo over different songs and hoping no one will notice.”
ON OASIS: “We just believe we’re the best band in the world. We’re not arrogant, that’s just a fact.”
ON LIAM: “He is Abbott to my Costello, he is Cannon to my Ball, he is Little to my Large.”
ON ROBBIE WILLIAMS: “He’s a ****ing circus monkey!”
ON DRUGS: “I liked drugs, I was good at them.”